Personal website of Babette Döbrich
About me

Babette works as Lise-Meitner research group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Physics. Before that, she was a research physicist at CERN until October 2022. Even before that, she was a CERN research fellow with NA62 and a DESY research fellow with the ALPS-II experiment.
Research Interest
Babette is mainly interested in axions and other Dark Matter candidates. She works with the NA62 experiment and the RADES/babyIAXO R&D.
Please consult inspirehep for a list of publications.
ERC project and team
Babette’s research is also funded through the European Research Council (ERC) under grant ERC-2018-StG-802836 (AxScale). The project revolves around axion searches with the Kaon-physics experiment NA62 and with RADES (see this story describing some of our recent results.)
Within the ERC project and the Lise Meitner group, there are openings on Postdoc, PhD and Master/Bachelor level, both in NA62 and RADES/babyIAXO. Please contact Babette directly for further information.
Current team members
1. Cristian Cogollogs, Postdoc, RADES
2. Samet Lezki, Postdoc, NA62
Past team members within the ERC grant:
- Sergio Arguedas Cuendis, CERN PhD student, RADES -> now LHCb
- Elisa Minucci, CERN fellow, NA62 -> now LHCb
- Jessica Golm, CERN PhD student, RADES -> now CERN fellow
- Marc Siodlaczek, CERN technical student -> now PhD student