Christmas is just around the corner and the festive mood has also arrived at MPP. Our Christmas tree is festively decorated and the offices are looking beautiful - only the snow is still a little way off.
But even without snow, we have found a festive motif for our Christmas cards: the Bernoulli books. We keep a small collection of old books in our library, including an important work by Jakob Bernoulli from 1744, which can be seen in the foreground.
Jakob Bernoulli was an important Swiss mathematician and is regarded as one of the pioneers of statistics, which plays a very important role in particle physics. Among other things, the Bernoulli differential equation, Bernoulli distribution and Bernoulli number can be traced back to him. Together with his brother Johann Bernoulli, he also studied infinitesimal calculus and developed it further. In doing so, he created the ubiquitous term ‘integral’ in mathematics.
His discoveries had a lasting influence on mathematics and physics, and they still play an important role in the natural sciences today. On this note, we wish you happy holidays and a successful and inspired 2025!