Sven Menke
Sven Menke



Dr. Sven Menke
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik
Boltzmannstr. 8
85748 Garching bei München

Tel.: +49 89 32354 410
CERN: +41 2276 66615
Cell.: +49 175 2250 211
Fax: +49 89 32354 8410
PGP: publickey.gpg.asc

 BaBar Pubblicazioni  Deutsch English
Sabato 8 Febbraio 2025 

  inSPIRE:   2014  >  2013  >  2005  >  2004  >  2003  >  2002  >  2001  >  2000  >  tutti 
BaBar notes

Offline Correction of Non-Linearities in the BaBar Electromagnetic Calorimeter Electronics,
BABAR-Note-527, Nov. 2000

Calibration of the BaBar Electromagnetic Calorimeter with pi0s,
BABAR-Note-528, Nov. 2000

BaBar talks

Calibration of the BaBar Electromagnetic Calorimeter with pi0s (In German),
26. May 2000, Instituts-Seminar, TU Dresden, Germany, (slides)

Search for direct CP violation in B -> K pi, pi pi, K K, quasi-2-body decays and B -> K* gamma at BaBar,
July 2001, HEP2001 Budapest, Hungary, (inSPIRE), hep-ex/0110053, (slides), (proceedings)

BaBar Electromagnetic Calorimeter Energy Calibration ,
22. July 2002, Workshop on Energy Calibration of the ATLAS Calorimeters, Ringberg Castle, Germany, (slides)

Measurement of |V_ub| with inclusive semi-leptonic B decays at BaBar,
17. September 2002, MPI-Colloquium, MPI für Physik, München, Germany, (slides)


EvtVub: An implementation of a B to Xu l nu Monte Carlo generator,
27. Feb 2001, ISL meeting (html)

Reweighting of B to Xu l nu events in EvtVub,
21. May 2001, ISL meeting (html)

Cut study for theoretical errors on Vub,
Aug 2001 (ps.gz)

Some preliminary spectra from Run1 Data and MC for the extraction of Vub,
13. Sep 2001, Vub meeting (html)

Status of the Vub Combo Analysis,
24. Sep 2001, ISL meeting (ps, pdf)

Attempt to optimize some of the experimental cuts on 50% of the Monte Carlo for the Vub analysis,
04. Oct 2001, Vub meeting (html)

Preliminary Results from the Vub Combo analysis,
26. Feb 2002, BaBar collaboration meeting (pdf)

Lepton kinematics in the D0 l nu Control Samples and the Final Samples,
01. May 2002, Vub meeting (html)

Measurement of Vub in Inclusive Semileptonic B decays aka: The Vub Combo Analysis,
08. May 2002, BaBar collaboration meeting (pdf)

Complementary Observables for the Determination of |Vub| in Inclusive Semileptonic B Decays,
Robert V. Kowalewski (Victoria U.), Sven Menke (SLAC), (inSPIRE), hep-ex/0205038, (abs), (pdf), (ps), SLAC-PUB-9216, Phys. Lett. B541 (2002) 29