From Thu Jul 11 12:24:42 2002 Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 18:55:02 +0200 (CEST) From: Ronald Dean Settles To: Alexei Buzulutskov ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Subject: Summary of TPC meeting 6.6.02 Dear Friends, In general this video meeting worked much better than in the past, so we are learning how to do this and it is a technique we can use in future. Still missing are the groups that haven't taken advantage of them. Here is a very brief summary of the 6.6.02 video meeting, marked by *** after the points below. This is from my notes, so there are surely some details missing, but everyone agreed to post their main results at the respective web site (please put those plots/foils from the meeting in a prominant place). As a reminder from our exchange of mails, the websites announced up to now are: These are also gathered at the web site: (If other groups would give us their website, that would be great! E.g., what about MIT, Karlsruhe and others?) To the meeting, as said before, see ***... below. Best wishes, Ron $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SummarySummarySummarySummarySummarySummarySummarySummarySummarySummarySummary $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ > > LC TPC R&D Meeting, 6.6.02, 15:00 > --------------------------------- > AGENDA > > 1. News from the PRC ******* At the Desy PRC three weeks ago, it was decided that the TPC should give its status report at the PRC meeting in one year from now, rather than at the next one in 6 months, since that agenda is too full. > 2. Paper for Amsterdam ******* We decided to send our Desy PRC document, which contains goals of each of the groups, and groups wishing to independently add thier status report are welcome to do so. > 3. Discussion about TPC R&D steering committee ************ This was the topic of a couple of emails; the summary of those and the discussion at the video meeting is: There was unanimous positive response to the suggestion of setting up a TPC R&D steering committee. The model of the Ecal steering group is to have one representative per country, however other models were discussed at the video meeting. The purpose of the steering group would be to review the progress, pinpoint areas where more work is needed and possibly to help some groups find financial assistence. (Ties will see if there is a writeup giving the make up and purpose of the Ecal steering committee, which we could use for comparison.) We have at the moment (also keep in mind that there may be other groups that would like to join or be in liaison with us): Country Number of institutes/universittes CAN 2 D 6 F 3 NL 1 P 1 RUS 1 USA 2 The proposed one-person-per-country would mean 7 members plus the steering chairman, a size which would make the organization of the steering meetings easily managable. The suggestion arose to have more than one representative per country, and the alternatives discussed were (i) one per group and (ii) one or two per region to be defined. (i) The extension to one-per-group would give 16 people which seemed a bit heavy for an R&D undertaking. (ii) One or two per region to be defined has the problem that it is not obvious how to define the regions. So to keep it simple, the following counter suggestion was accepted as a working basis: if a country wants that more than one alternative be on the steering committee, that is acceptable, but they should alternate in attending the steering meetings in order to keep the size to about 7+1. If a country has several alternates, then these should discuss internally with each other to agree on their position at a steering meeting. > 4. Star electronics for Germany **********It was agreed to have a meeting on 20-21 June in Munich to start getting this effort organized. Whether we need one or two days for this first meeting needs to be decided. (Up to now, Karlsruhe and Aachen have expressed interest. Anyone else?) > 5. Reports from the groups (more or less random order): > --Saclay/Orsay *********Paul Colas showed results of many studies going on at Saclay/Orsay, including simulations/measurements of gas properties (v_drift, attachment, diffusion, omegatau), ion transparency and other news. In general 2-3%CF_4+Ar looks acceptable (no attachment): omegatau is about 17.5, simulation and measurement of v_drift and diffusion agree, simulation of impurities as water looks o.k. Paul showed some ion-feedback results, informed us that there is a new company making better pilars and said that thier cosmic setup with magnetic field will be ready to go in a few weeks. More details may be found at > --Carleton ************Several details were already shown at St.Malo. A 64 channel, 200MHz is ready for testing; a setup of Star electronics will replace the Aleph setup soon; chevron pads are being studied; and GEM simulations are going on. Madhu Dixit has new results from thier "resistive-anode-foil" studies: there are new resistive foils with 2Mohm/square which give a pad-response-function gaussian (for 1mm strips) with 700\mu m width. This would correspond to a \sigma_pt of around 70\mu m. Dean Karlen told us that he has added a track finder to his simulation package, which is on the web and everyone is welcome to try it out. This and other details will be at > --Munich ************Volker Eckardt showed drawings of a test chamber being designed for the Desy 5T magnet. It is a redesign of a heavy-ion prototype so that the field cage already exists and is set up to accomodate a laser. The active area of the pad surface is 100mmx100mm roughly. After the recommendations of the Desy PRC, it will start out with a wire-chamber version and 2mmx6mm pads, but it is being laid out so that any of the technologies can be implemented. Ron brought a model to Desy, which was tried in the 5T magnet to be sure its size is o.k.; that test was successful. Volker asked about the avaiability of a laser for the tests, since the 5T magnet cannot run in a beam because of cryogenics and only cosmics/sources are available for now. (Reminder: the prototype set up in a test beam is normal conducting and is limited to 1T.) Since Desy is spending a fair amount for refurbishing the 5T magnet, there are no plans to buy a laser at the moment. It was suggested to bring the laser available at Munich to Desy for these studies. The drawings of the test chamber will be made available at > --Karlsruhe ***************Jochen Kaminski described measurements using their Gem setup. Use of an oxy absorber improves the results compared with those in March. ArCO2 is the gas at the moment, but this can switch to P10. In CERN a Gem TPC is being built with 20cm drift length to measure ion feedback. Jochen and Bernhard Ledermann are coming to Munich to help set up the Star electronics. > --Aachen ****************Stephan Roth showed results from the measurements of a 3 Gem structure in a 0-2T field (at Juelich). The collection and extraction changes are not exactly at expected. For the plot, see > --Desy ***************Thorsten Lux described problems with the present Aleph RO electronics. A FB PS blew and has been replaced, but other things may have been damage. A new FB interface card just arrived from CERN, and it will be replaced to see if that is the problem. The design of a miniTPC with Gem technology for the 5T magnet is progressing such that construction can start soon. As for the 5T magnet 40kEuro has been granted for refurbishing the cryogenics. As indicated above, it cannot be put in a test beam: therefore cosmics, sources and lasers are the tools for testing, but these should be sufficient to learn what we want. Operation of the magnet should be possible in the fall. Interested groups are requested to write a short `expression of interest'. As before, more info can be found at > 6.AOB *****************Dean reported that Mike Ronan and others (Paul Colas e.g.) will visit KEK 2.-3.Sept., after the Jeju meeting in August, to discuss with people interested in the TPC there. *****************Next meeting: Paul Colas will be in Desy July 5 and suggested we have a meeting then. Whether it be a video meeting or not depends on your interest: please respond...! > >