OPAL Publications |
- Diploma Thesis
Development of a Data Acquisition System for a
Test-Beam Telescope consisting of four Double Sided
Silicon Microstrip Detectors (In German),
BONN-IB-94-35, Dec. 1994 (66pp)
Performance of a Beam Telescope using Double Sided Silicon Microstrip Detectors,
P. Fischer (Bonn U.), R. Hammarstrom (CERN), S. Menke,
B. Raith (Bonn U.), O. Runolfsson (CERN), N. Wermes (Bonn U.),
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A364 (1995) 224
- PhD Thesis
Measurement of the Strong Coupling Constant
alpha_s and of the Hadronic Spectral
Functions in tau Decays (In German),
BONN-IR-98-13, Oct. 1998 (136pp)
Measurement of the Strong Coupling Constant alpha(s) and
the Vector and Axial Vector Spectral Functions in Hadronic
tau Decays.,
OPAL Collaboration (K. Ackerstaff et al.),
CERN-EP-98-102, Jun 1998. 35pp,
Spectral Function Data in FORTRAN: spectral.f,
Single Spectra Data in FORTRAN: single_spectra.f
- OPAL talks
Measurement of the strong coupling constant alpha_s in
hadronic tau decays with OPAL,
15. May 1998, SCIPP Seminar, UC Santa Cruz
Measurement of the strong coupling constant alpha_s in
hadronic tau decays with OPAL,
21. May 1998, SLAC Experimental Seminar, SLAC
Measurement of the strong coupling alpha_s in hadronic
tau Decays with OPAL,
26. May 1998, Instituts Kolloquium, RWTH Aachen
Measurement of alpha_s and the non-strange spectral
functions in hadronic tau decays with OPAL,
September 98, TAU98 Santander, Spain,
Nucl. Phys. (Proc. Suppl.) B76 (1999) 299
Measurement of alpha_s and the non-strange spectral
functions in hadronic tau decays with OPAL,
July 99, QCD99 Montpellier, France,
Nucl. Phys. (Proc. Suppl.) B86 (2000) 196