o Goals: This working group plans to understand how to build a super-high-performance TPC for the linear collider physics up to 1 or 2 TeV cms energy. For more details see:

o LCTPC/LP collaboration

o MP-TPC prototype drawings (pdf files)

o Desy PRC presentations

o Tracking Review Beijing 2007 presentations

o List of groups in the LCTPC collaboration

o MOA version 23

o Snowmass talks on various detector related issues

o MPI/IPN Orsay design study for the LC TPC

o Some new results, summer 2005

o TPC R&D Workshops at LBNL (2003, 2005, 2006) and Orsay (January 2005)

o Various Workshop Talks

o Summaries of R&D meetings:

o Further interesting details:

o Oh yes, another one ...

Anyone interested in or working on TPC R&D which is of use for the LC detector is kindly invited either to join or to let us know, and we shall be happy to keep you informed of our activities. This includes not only hardware prototyping but also for studies of detector or subdetector optimisation.