Sven Menke
Sven Menke



Dr. Sven Menke
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik
Boltzmannstr. 8
85748 Garching bei München

Tel.: +49 89 32354 410
CERN: +41 2276 66615
Handy: +49 175 2250 211
Fax: +49 89 32354 8410
PGP: publickey.gpg.asc

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ATLAS notes

Hadronic calibration of the ATLAS liquid argon end-cap calorimeter in the pseudorapidity region 1.6 < |η| < 1.8 in beam tests,
ATLAS Liquid Argon EMEC/HEC Collaboration, (inSPIRE), MPP-2004-81, Nucl.Instrum.Meth. A531 (2004) 481-514

Proposal for Compactification of CaloCell Objects,
Sven Menke and Giulio Usai, ATL-SOFT-2004-005, (pdf), Dec. 2004

Analysis Model Forum Report,
D. Costanzo, I. Hinchliffe, S. Menke, ATL-GEN-INT-2008-001, (pdf), Feb. 2008

Calorimeter clustering algorithms: Description and performance,
W. Lampl, S. Laplace, D. Lelas, P. Loch, H. Ma, S. Menke, S. Rajagopalan, D. Rousseau, S. Snyder, G. Unal, ATL-LARG-PUB-2008-002, (pdf), May 2008

Performance of the ATLAS liquid argon endcap calorimeter in the pseudorapidity region 2.5 < |η| < 4.0 in beam tests,
J. Pinfold et al.,(inSPIRE), MPP-2008-257, Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A 593 (2008) 324-342

Local Hadronic Calibration ,
T. Barillari, E. Bergeaas Kuutmann, T. Carli, J. Erdmann, P. Giovannini, K.J. Grahn, C. Issever, A. Jantsch, A. Kiryunin, K. Lohwasser, A. Maslennikov, S. Menke, H. Oberlack, G. Pospelov, E. Rauter, P. Schacht, F. Spano, P. Speckmayer, P. Stavina, P. Strizenec, ATL-LARG-PUB-2009-001, (pdf), Jun. 2008

Upgrade plans for the Hadronic-Endcap Calorimeter of ATLAS for the high luminosity stage of the LHC,
F. Ahmadov, T. Barillari, M. Cadabeschi, A. Cheplakov, R. Dominguez, A. Fischer, J. Habring, A. Hambarzumjan, N. Javadov, A. Kiryunin, L. Kurchaninov, R. Langstaff, M. Lenckowski, S. Menke, I. Molinas Conde, M. Nagel, H. Oberlack, M. Raymond, O. Reimann, P. Schacht, P. Strizenec, S. Vogt, G. Wichmann, ATL-LARG-PUB-2015-001, (pdf), Jul 2015

ATLAS Phase-II Upgrade Scoping Document,
The ATLAS Collaboration, CERN-LHCC-2015-020, LHCC-G-166, (pdf), Sep 2015

Topological cell clustering in the ATLAS calorimeters and its performance in LHC Run 1,
The ATLAS Collaboration, Eur.Phys.J.C 77 (2017) 490, Figures

Technical Design Report for the Phase-II Upgrade of the ATLAS LAr Calorimeter,
The ATLAS Collaboration, CERN-LHCC-2017-018, ATLAS-TDR-027, (pdf), Sep 2017

Interactive web pages for radiation environment exploration of ATLAS,
ATLAS Collaboration, ATL-SOFT-PUB-2020-003, (pdf), Oct 2020, Interactive Browser Cavern Region, Calorimeter Region

Improving topological cluster reconstruction using calorimeter cell timing in ATLAS,
ATLAS Collaboration, CERN-EP-2023-207, (pdf), Oct 2023, Figures

ATLAS videos

Construction of ATLAS in the ATLAS Cavern ,
(mpg), 435 MB MPEG2 video (SVCD), 31-Oct-2003 - 11-Jun-2009

ATLAS talks

Some athena based 2000/2001 HEC test beam plots,
(pdf), MPI-HEC meeting, 5. July 2002

Software Status for the 2002 EMEC/HEC combined test beam,
(pdf), MPI-HEC meeting, 9. September 2002

EMEC/HEC EventDisplay,
(html), 1. October 2002

Update on the TDC Analysis of the 2002 EMEC/HEC combined test beam,
(pdf), MPI-HEC meeting, 25. October 2002

EMEC and HEC timing in the 2002 testbeam,
(pdf), LArg-week, 19. November 2002, CERN

Update on the Timing Analysis of the 2002 EMEC/HEC combined test beam,
Sven Menke and Hendrik Bartko, (pdf), MPI-HEC meeting, 9. December 2002

Proposal for improved signal reconstruction in the 2002 EMEC/HEC combined test beam,
(html), 17. December 2002

EMEC and HEC timing/calibration in the 2002 testbeam,
(pdf), LArg-week, 28. January 2003, CERN

How to run athena@MPI without local installation,
(pdf), (ps.gz), (demo shell script), MPI-Atlas meeting, 24. March 2003

Update on the 2002 EMEC/HEC combined test beam analysis,
(pdf), MPI-HEC meeting, 30. April 2003

EMEC, PS, and HEC Alignment in the 2002 EMEC/HEC combined test beam,
(html), 13. May 2003, (pdf), MPI-HEC meeting, 26. May 2003

Recent results from the EMEC/HEC 2002 combined testbeam,
(pdf), LArg-week, 17. June 2003, CERN

Cell Level Nearest Neighbor Clustering,
(pdf), LArg-SW phone meeting, 23. July 2003

Status of Cell-based Nearest Neighbor 3D Clustering in Athena,
(pdf), (ps.gz), Hadronic Calibration meeting, 25. September 2003, CERN; (pdf) LAr SW phone meeting, 15. October 2003, CERN

Energy Calibration of the ATLAS Hadronic and Electromagnetic Liquid Argon Endcap Calorimeters,
(slides), (inSPIRE), physics/0310127, (abs), (pdf), (ps), MPP-2003-109, 8th ICATPP, 6. October 2003, Como, Italy

ATLAS Experiment Project Review,
(pdf), MPI Project Review 2003, 11.-12. December 2003, MPI

Status of Topological Clustering,
(pdf), Software & Performance Meeting, LAr Week, 28. January 2004, CERN

Implementation of FCal Neighbors,
(html), 11. February 2004

Status of Topological Clustering & recent Reco-Software Changes,
(pdf), LAr SW phone meeting, 11. May 2004, CERN; (pdf), Hadronic Calibration meeting, 13. May 2004, CERN

Topological Cluster Splitting & pi+/pi- Puzzle Solved,
(pdf), MPI-LAr meeting, 28. May 2004, MPI

Topological Cluster Maker & Splitter - HOWTO for athena 8.2.0,
(pdf), JetRec Phone Meeting, 02. June 2004, CERN

ROOT macro package for ATLAS Calorimeter Event Displays,
(CaloEventDisplay.tar.gz), 06. June 2004, updated 26. January 2006.
ROOT library package for H6 TB 2004 Calorimeter Event Displays,
(CaloEventDisplayH6.tar.gz), 23. July 2004

Sliding Window CaloClusterBuilder -- Bug or Feature?,
(pdf), LArSW Phone Meeting, 09. June 2004, CERN

Status and Performance of the ATLAS Calorimeters,
(pdf), (435 MB MPEG2 ATLAS construction video (SVCD) 31-Oct-2003 - 11-Jun-2009), Teilchen-Seminar Bonn, 24. June 2004, Uni Bonn

Evaluation of various linux distributions for use with DC2 at MPI,
(html), 9-14. July 2004, MPI

First look at H6 combined testbeam 2004 data,
(pdf), MPI-ATLAS Meeting, 26. July 2004, MPI

CaloCell Compactification,
(pdf), LArSW Phone Meeting, 04. August 2004, CERN

Status of CaloCell Compactification,
(pdf), ATLAS Software Week, 23. September 2004, CERN

CaloCell Compactification,
(pdf), MPI HEC group meeting, 1. October 2004, MPI München

Hadronic Energy Calibration - From Testbeam to ATLAS,
(pdf), Combined calorimeter jet and ETmiss performance, Tau signatures, test beam, QCD physics session, ATLAS Overview week 2004, 2.-7. October 2004, Uni Freiburg

Status of Cell Weighting with Calibration Hits,
Sven Menke and Pavel Stavina, (pdf), Calibration Meeting, LAr Week, 15. November 2004, CERN

CaloCell Compactification,
(pdf), Software and Performance Meeting, LAr Week, 17. November 2004, CERN

Status of Cell Weighting with Calibration Hits on EMEC/HEC Combioned TB 2002 Data,
Sven Menke and Pavel Stavina, (pdf), Atlas Calorimetry Calibration Workshop, 01.-04. December 2004, Tatranská Štrba, Slovakia

Hadronic Energy Calibration in ATLAS,
(pdf), MPI Seminar New Physics at the Large Hadron Collider, WS 04/05, 22. December 2004, MPI

Cluster Moments and Recent SW Changes,
(pdf), Hadronic Calibration Meeting, SW Week, 24. February 2005, CERN

Hadronic Energy Calibration in ATLAS,
(pdf), Institut Seminar, 14. March 2005, University Bratislava

Status of Topological Clustering & Cluster Moments,
(pdf), Hadronic Calibration Meeting, SW Week, 26. May 2005, CERN

Noise Suppression in ATLAS Calorimetry,
(pdf), Jets/EtMiss/Tau Session, ATLAS Physics Workshop, 6.-11. June 2005, Rome, Italy

Overview on Hadronic Calibration Approaches,
(pdf), Hadronic Calibration Workshop, 14.-15. July 2005, CERN

Post-Rome Production of Single Particle Files,
(html), 31. July - 13. August 2005, Rechenzentrum Garching & CERN

Post-Rome Single Pion Production,
(pdf), Calibration Meeting, LAr-Week, 12. September 2005, Gargnano, Italy

Calorimeter Reconstruction Software,
(pdf), ATLAS-D Workshop, 19.-20. September 2005, Uni Freiburg

Hadronic Weights and Cluster Classification,
(pdf), Hadronic Calibration Meeting, ATLAS-SW Week, 29. September 2005, CERN

Status of Local Hadron Calibration,
(pdf), Jets/EtMiss/tau-Meeting, ATLAS Physics Week, 27. October 2005, CERN

How to make new jets from calibrated topoclusters,
(pdf), ATLAS MPI Meeting, 5. December 2005, MPI

Local Hadron Calibration & Jets,
(pdf), Hadronic Calibration Meeting, 08. December 2005, CERN

FCAL Simulation fixes,
(pdf), ATLAS Physics Validation Meeting, 17. January 2006, CERN

top activities at MPI (Atlas),
(pdf), LHC-D Workshop 2006 - top physics, 3-4 March 2006, Bad Honnef

Status of Local Hadron Calibration,
(pdf), Hadronic Calibration Meeting, 21. March 2006, CERN

Status of Topo Clustering/Splitting and Moments,
(pdf), Hadronic Calibration Workshop, 3-5 May 2006, MPI Munich

Status of Local Hadron Calibration Weights,
(pdf), Hadronic Calibration Workshop, 3-5 May 2006, MPI Munich

Status of Local Hadron Calibration,
(pdf), Calorimeter Performance Meeting, 24 May 2006, CERN

Status of Local Hadron Calibration,
(pdf), Hadronic Calibration Meeting, 30 May 2006, CERN

Status of Local Hadron Calibration,
(pdf), Calorimeter Performance Meeting, LAr Week, 21 June 2006, CERN

Update on Local Hadron Calibration,
(pdf), Calorimeter Performance Meeting, 5 July 2006, CERN

TopoCluster Making/Splitting/Classification,
(pdf), ATLAS Calorimeter Calibration Workshop, 5.-8. September 2006, Costa Brava

Local Hadron Calibration Weights,
(pdf), ATLAS Calorimeter Calibration Workshop, 5.-8. September 2006, Costa Brava

Post-Barcelona Production of Single Particle Files,
(html), 22. September - 14. November 2006, Rechenzentrum Garching

Status of Local Hadron Calibration Weights,
(pdf), Hadronic Calibration Meeting, 31. October 2006, CERN

Status of Local Hadron Calibration Weights,
(pdf), Calorimeter Performance Phone Meeting, 22. November 2006, CERN

Status of Local Hadron Calibration Weights,
(pdf), Calorimeter Performance General Meeting, LAr-Week, 6. December 2006, CERN

Calorimeter Reconstruction for Hadrons,
(pdf), 1st ARTEMIS Workshop, 25.-26. January 2007, University College London

Introduction to the Workshop (Experimental Part),
(pdf), LHC-D Workshop 2007 - Topquark Physik (II), 26.-27. January 2007, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Status of Out-Of-Cluster Corrections,
(pdf), Hadronic Calibration Meeting, 21. February 2007, CERN

Status of Out-Of-Cluster Corrections and other Local Hadron Calibration news,
(pdf), Hadronic Calibration Meeting, 20. March 2007, CERN

Local Hadron Calibration,
(pdf), Local Hadronic Calibration Session, Hadronic Calibration Workshop, 26.-27. April 2007, Milano, Itlay

On calculation of jet kinematics from towers with JetTowerNoiseTool,
(pdf), JetRec phone conference, 30. May 2007, CERN

Questions about EventView,
(pdf), Analysis Model Forum, 1. June 2007, CERN

ESD use case: Local Hadron Calibration, Jets, and MET,
(pdf), Analysis Model Forum, 1. June 2007, CERN

Status of hadronic weighting,
(pdf), Hadronic Calibration Meeting, 6. June 2007, CERN

Physics Analysis Model,
(pdf), Atlas Overview Week, 11. July 2007, Glasgow, UK

Jet Energy Calibration in ATLAS,
(pdf), HEP-Seminar, 25. July 2007, Uni Bonn

Noise Monitoring with Topo Clusters,
(pdf), Calorimeter Monitoring Meeting, LAr-Week, 25. September 2007, CERN

Jets on AOD-level,
(pdf), 1st ARTEMIS Annual Meeting, 27.-28. September 2007, Chalkidiki, Greece

AthenaROOTAccess Tutorial,
(pdf), 1st ARTEMIS Annual Meeting, 27.-28. September 2007, Chalkidiki, Greece

Analysis issues for discussion,
(pdf), Analysis Model Forum phone meeting, 15. October 2007

AthenaROOTAccess with a framework?,
(pdf), PAT Session, ATLAS SW and Computing Workshop, 23. October 2007, CERN

Physics Analysis Tools Summary,
(pdf), ATLAS SW and Computing Workshop, 26. October 2007, CERN

AthenaROOTAccess Tutorial,
(pdf), AOD-DPD Access/Analysis using Interactive Athena and AthenaROOTAccess, 9. November 2007, CERN

Cluster calibration issues,
(pdf), Tilecal Calibration Workshop, 213. November 2007, CERN

Analysis Model Forum Introduction,
(pdf), Analysis Model Forum, 28. November 2007, CERN

Event View usage in Release 12,
(pdf), Analysis Model Forum, 28. November 2007, CERN

PAT Introduction,
(pdf), PAT phone meeting, 5. December 2007

AMF Report,
(pdf), PAT phone meeting, 16. January 2008

Thinning from python with a ThinningSvc wrapper,
(pdf), PAT phone meeting, 30. January 2008

Preparing HAD cluster calibration with release 14,
(pdf), Calibration meeting, LAr week, 18. February 2008, CERN

PAT: Status and plans on the implementation of the recommendations from the Analysis Model Forum ,
(pdf), Stathes Paganis and Sven Menke, Common Analysis Meeting, ATLAS Software & Computing Workshop, 27. February 2008

(pdf),PAT & DA session, ATLAS Software & Computing Workshop, 28. February 2008

Local Hadron Calibration Session Remarks,
(pdf), Local Hadron Calibration Session, 4th ATLAS Hadronic Calibration Workshop, 14. March 2008, Tucson, Arizona

Status of the analysis model recommendations and newest PAT developments,
(pdf), Stathes Paganis and Sven Menke, Common Analysis Meeting, 22. April 2008

Status of Hadronic Calibration,
(pdf), Hadronic Calibration Meeting, 30. April 2008, CERN

PAT tasks and FTEs,
(pdf), PAT phone meeting, 7. May 2008

Local Hadron Calibration Status and Session Remarks,
(pdf), ATLAS workshop on refinement of local hadron calibration and its application to top physics, 11.-14. June 2008, Schloss Ringberg, Germany

Strategies for improving local hadron calibration,
(pdf), ATLAS workshop on refinement of local hadron calibration and its application to top physics, 11.-14. June 2008, Schloss Ringberg, Germany

DPD making and AthenaROOTAccess Tutorial,
(slides), (twiki), Atlas offline software tutorials, 16.-18. July 2008, CERN

DPD making Tutorial,
(twiki), Artemis school, 15-19 September 2008, MPI Munich, Germany

Calorimeter reconstruction tutorial,
(twiki), Artemis school, 15-19 September 2008, MPI Munich, Germany

Introduction to Clusters, Jets, Etmiss sessions,
(pdf), Atlas-D-Workshop, 18-19 September 2008, LMU Munich, Germany

Summary of Clusters, Jets, Etmiss sessions,
(pdf), Atlas-D-Workshop, 18-19 September 2008, LMU Munich, Germany

Status of Hadronic Calibration,
(pdf), Hadronic Calibration Meeting, 8. October 2008, CERN

Needed Tools in PAT,
(pdf), PAT phone meeting, 8. October 2008

PAT: Introduction and Needed Tools,
(pdf), PAT session, Atlas Software & Computing Workshop, 3. November 2008, CERN

The Max-Planck-Instiut für Physik München (Node 6),
(pdf), Artemis Mid-term Review, 14. November 2008, CERN

Physics Analysis Tools,
(pdf), MPI Atlas Meeting, 17. November 2008, MPI

Status of Local Hadron Calibration,
(pdf), Jet/Etmiss performance meeting, ATLAS Week, 2. December 2008, CERN

Status of Local Hadron Calibration,
(pdf), Hadronic Calibration Meeting, 3. December 2008, CERN

Non-Linear Energy Corrections,
(pdf), Jet Calibration Phone Meeting, 16. January 2009

ATLAS Data and Analysis Model,
(pdf), Seminar Uni-Wuppertal, 29. January 2009, Wuppertal

Status of Local Hadron Calibration,
(pdf), Hadronic Calibration Meeting, 18. February 2009, CERN

Local Hadron Calibration Status Report,
(pdf), LAr Meeting, 26. February 2009, MPP

Status of Local Hadron Calibration,
(pdf), Hadronic Calibration Meeting, 29. April 2009, CERN

Local Hadron Calibration Session,
(pdf), ATLAS Hadronic Calibration Workshop, 24.-27. June 2009, Foz do Arelho, Portugal

Jet Calibration Tutorial,
(twiki), Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale": Detector Understanding Workshop, July 2009, DESY, Germany

Event Displays from TopoClusters for 1 Beam Splash Event,
(pdf), LAr Results of Beam Splash Events, 24. November 2009, CERN

Status of Hadronic Calibration,
(pdf), ATLAS Hadronic Calibration Meeting, 30. November 2009, CERN

CaloTopoCluster quantities in 900 GeV data,
(pdf), LAr Software & Data Preparation Session, LAr week, 8. December 2009, CERN

Status of Hadronic Calibration,
(pdf), ATLAS Hadronic Calibration Meeting, 4. March 2010, CERN

High Pulses in the HEC,
(pdf), LAr Weekly Meeting, 9. April 2010, CERN

Large HEC Pulses,
(pdf), LAr Weekly Meeting, 15. April 2010, CERN

Update on HEC Noise,
(pdf), LAr Weekly Meeting, 19. April 2010, CERN

Large HEC Pulses in 7 TeV Data,
(pdf), LAr Weekly Meeting, 3. May 2010, CERN

HEC High Energy Events,
(pdf), ATLAS Open Executive Board Meeting, 18. May 2010, CERN

Latest results of HEC Spike investigation at MPI,
(pdf), Detector & Operation Session, LAr Week, 2. June 2010, CERN

Large HEC Signals,
(pdf), MPI HEC Meeting, 14. June 2010, MPP

Update on peculiar pulses in LAr,
(pdf), ATLAS-MPI Meeting, 16. June 2010, MPP

Luminosity Dependence of Anomalous HEC Pulses,
(pdf), MPI HEC Meeting, 5. July 2010, MPP

Update on HEC Spike Pulses,
(pdf), HEC Spike Meeting, 15. July 2010

Rates and Spectra for HEC Spikes,
(pdf), HEC Spike Meeting, 29. July 2010

Early Discovery Potential of ATLAS with Hadronic Final States,
(pdf), 4th US-ATLAS Hadronic Final State Forum, 23.-27. August 2010, SLAC

Topological Clustering and Local Hadron Calibration,
(pdf), 4th US-ATLAS Hadronic Final State Forum, 23.-27. August 2010, SLAC

HEC Spike signals in recent runs,
(pdf), HEC Spike Meeting, 4. November 2010

Proton Irradiation in Munich?,
(pdf), MPI HEC Meeting, 22. November 2010, MPP

Invitation to Munich LAr Week 11 April 2011,
(pdf), LAr Group Reps Meeting, 9. December 2010

Topological Clustering and Local Hadron Calibration,
(pdf), GIF Planning Meeting, 27. January 2011, MPP

Topological Clustering and Local Hadron Calibration,
(pdf), Particle Flow Meeting, 15. February 2011, CERN

HEC Spike Status,
(pdf), LAr Weekly Meeting, 21. February 2011

Plans for Proton Irradiation at PSI,
(pdf), MPI HEC Meeting, 21. March 2011, MPP

First Results from the Proton Testbeam at PSI,
(pdf), MPI HEC Meeting, 7. June 2011, MPP

Updates from Proton Testbeam at PSI,
(pdf), MPI HEC Meeting, 25. July 2011, MPP

Update from PSI Testbeam,
(pdf), MPI HEC Meeting, 25. July 2011, MPP

Introduction to Local Hadron Calibration,
(pdf), ATLAS Hadronic Calibration Workshop, 19.-23. September 2011, SLAC

Report from the Atlas Hadronic Calibration Workshop 2011 at SLAC,
(pdf), MPI ATLAS Meeting, 12. October 2011, MPP

Interpretation of HEC Chip Results,
(pdf), MPI HEC Meeting, 10. November 2011, MPP

Local Hadron Calibration Constants for PileUp,
(pdf), Jet/Etmiss Performance Meeting, ATLAS Week, 1. February 2012, CERN

Calorimeter Noise with PileUp,
(pdf), MPI ATLAS Meeting, 8. February 2012, MPP

First Results from the Neutron Irradiation @Řež,
(pdf), MPI HEC Meeting, 27. February 2012, MPP

Lessons learned in Calorimetry at ATLAS,
(pdf), 5th Detector Workshop of the Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale", 16. March 2012, Uni-Bonn

Topological Clusters under PileUp,
(pdf), Simulation Meeting, ATLAS P&P Week, 26. March 2012, CERN

Calorimetry and Jets in ATLAS,
(pdf), GIF Meeting, 2. April 2012, Tel Aviv University

Proton and Neutron Results for HEC Cold Electronics,
(pdf), MPI HEC Meeting, 16. April 2012, MPP

Simulation Requirements for Calorimetry,
(pdf), ISF Workshop, 12. July 2012, CERN

Irradiated HEC Cold Electronics,
(pdf), LAr Upgrade Meeting, LAr Week, 26. September 2012, CERN

Full chain analysis of cold measurements without parameterization,
(pdf), BB96 Tests for HL-LHC Meeting, 26. October 2012, CERN

Proton and Neutron Irradiation Tests of Readout Electronics of the ATLAS Hadronic Endcap Calorimeter,
(slides), Proceedings: arXiv:1211.4060, (abs), (pdf), MPP-2012-151, (inSPIRE), IEEE/NSS 2012, 31. October 2012, Anaheim, USA

Local Hadron Calibration at large Pile-Up,
(pdf), MPI HEC Meeting, 19. November 2012, MPP

Irradiated HEC Cold Electronics,
(pdf), LAr Phase-II Meeting, ATLAS Upgrade Week, 21. November 2012, CERN

Neutron Fluence for LV Test@Řež,
(pdf), MPI HEC Meeting, 13. May 2013, MPP

Local Hadron Calibration Weights for Phase II,
(pdf), Simulation session, ATLAS Upgrade Week, 15. May 2013, CERN

Status of HEC/FCal Phase II Note and Other Phase II Activities,
(pdf), LAr Phase II session, ATLAS Upgrade Week, 15. May 2013, CERN

First Results from LV Test in Řež June 2013,
(pdf), MPI HEC Meeting, 13. May 2013, MPP

Pile-Up in Jets in ATLAS,
(slides), BOOST 2013, 13. August 2013, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

Proton and Neutron Irradiation Tests of Readout Electronics of the ATLAS Hadronic Endcap Calorimeter,
(pdf), Radiation Estimation Task Force Meeting, 31. May 2013, CERN

Radiation Levels for June 2013 LV Test@Řež,
(pdf), MPI HEC Meeting, 14. October 2013, MPP

Geant4 TID and NIEL Simulations for HEC Cold Electronics,
(pdf), LAr Phase II session, ATLAS Upgrade Week, 6. Nov 2013, CERN

Film Scans and Geant4 Simulation from Be Target Tests@Řež Januray 2014,
(pdf), MPI HEC Meeting, 27. January 2014, MPP

NIEL Simulations for HEC Cold Electronics Plot Approval,
(pdf), LAr Plenary, LAr Week, 20. Feb 2014, CERN

Topological Clustering and Pile-Up,
(pdf), Simulation Meeting, ATLAS P&P Week, 24. March 2014, CERN

Be Target Radmon Neutron Test@Řež April 2014,
(pdf), MPI HEC Meeting, 28. April 2014, MPP

Be Target Radmon Neutron Test@Řež April 2014,
(pdf), MPI HEC Meeting, 2. June 2014, MPP

Changes in Topological Clustering and Local Hadron Calibration Weights for DC14,
(pdf), Jet/Etmiss phone meeting, 4. June 2014, CERN

Electron Scope Pitures of Cold Tested BB96,
(pdf), MPI HEC Meeting, 21. July 2014, MPP

BB96B Simulations - ADS vs. PSpice (MSim),
(pdf), MPI HEC Electronics Meeting, 6. August 2014, MPP

Local Hadron Calibration,
(pdf), ATLAS Hadronic Calibration Workshop 2014, 8.-12. September 2014, MPP

Jet/Etmiss Methods for Run-2,
(pdf), Jet/Etmiss session, ATLAS-D Workshop, 16.-19. September 2014, DESY

First Look at October 2014 Řež Results,
(pdf), MPI HEC Meeting, 16. October 2014, MPP

Noise Thresholds for Topo Clustering,
(pdf), TopoCluster & Track Forum, 23. October 2014, CERN

sFCal Granularity Studies,
(pdf), Large Eta Task Force Meeting, 29. October 2014, CERN

HEC Cold Electronics @ Phase-II,
(pdf), ATLAS Upgrade PO & SC Meeting, 11. December 2014, CERN

sFCal simulations with fine granularity,
(pdf), Large Eta Task Force Meeting, 9. January 2015, CERN

sFCal simulations with fine granularity,
(pdf), LAr Upgrade Simulation Meeting, 12. January 2015, CERN

Status of sFCal simulations with fine granularity,
(pdf), Calo Performance Meeting, 5. February 2015, CERN

sFCal simul/digi/reco with fine granularity,
(pdf), LAr Upgrade Simulation Meeting, 4. March 2015, CERN

sFCal simulation,
(pdf), Simulation Steering Group Meeting, 10. March 2015, CERN

The sFCal Upgrade Project for Phase-II,
(pdf), MPP ATLAS Meeting, 18. March 2015, MPP

sFCal Simulation Status,
(pdf), Large Eta Task Force Meeting, 20. March 2015, CERN

Beam Splash Events 2015,
(pdf), LAr Weekly Meeting, 13. April 2015, CERN

Beam Splash Events 2015,
(A-side.pdf, C-side.pdf, LAr Public Plots), LAr Weekly Meeting, 20. April 2015, CERN

Status of sFCal simulation,
(pdf), Atlas Upgrade Week, 21. April 2015, CERN

Measurements of the top quark mass using the ATLAS and CMS detectors at the LHC,
(slides), Proceedings: arXiv:1507.02544, (abs), (pdf), PoS(DIS2015)175, ATL-PHYS-PROC-2015-045, MPP-2015-153, DIS 2015, 29. April 2015, SMU, Dallas, Texas, USA

sFCal simul/digi/reco status,
(pdf), LAr Upgrade Simulation Meeting, 3. June 2015, CERN

sFCal simul/digi/reco status,
(pdf), LAr Upgrade Simulation Meeting, 3. June 2015, CERN

Calorimetry & ITK: Points of Attention,
(pdf), ITK Layout Task Force Meeting, 15. June 2015, CERN

Calorimetry & ITK: Points of Attention,
(pdf), ITK Layout Task Force Meeting, 23. June 2015, CERN

IBL Services & FCal: First Data Plots,
(pdf), LAr Weekly Meeting, 29. June 2015, CERN

Impact of IBL services on forward calorimetry in 13 TeV data,
(pdf), Jet/Etmiss phone meeting, 1. July 2015, CERN

Status of sFCal Simulation,
(pdf), Simulation Meeting, ATLAS P&P Week, 6. July 2015, CERN

IBL Services, FCal & BCID Correction Tool,
(pdf), Simulation Meeting, ATLAS P&P Week, 6. July 2015, CERN

Status of sFCal Simulation,
(pdf), ATLAS Upgrade Weekly Meeting, 16. July 2015, CERN

sFCal Simulation Status Report,
(pdf), LAr Upgrade Simulation Meeting, 3. Aug 2015, CERN

Topological cell clustering in the ATLAS calorimeters and its performance in LHC Run 1,
(pdf), ATLAS Weekly Meeting, 18. Aug 2015, CERN

Status of sFCal Simulation,
(pdf), LAr Upgrade Simulation Meeting, 23. Sep 2015, CERN

IBL Services, FCal & BCID Correction Tool,
(pdf), Heavy Ion Weekly Meeting, 21. Oct 2015, CERN

Update on IBL Services Impact on FCal,
(pdf), LAr Weekly Meeting, 26. Oct 2015, CERN

IBL induced correlations in FCal,
(pdf), Calo Perf Meeting, 2. Nov 2015, CERN

Update on IBL Services Impact on FCal,
(pdf), Simulation Meeting, 3. Nov 2015, CERN

Release plans for sFCal,
(pdf), Upgrade Software Meeting, ATLAS Upgrade Week, 17. November 2015, CERN

Suggestions for the next steps of the HGTD simulation based on sFCal experience,
(pdf), HGTD Simulation Meeting, 18. November 2015, CERN

Phase-II LAr Status,
(pdf), ATLAS Upgrade Week, 20. November 2015, CERN

sFCal Analysis Kick-Off,
(pdf), sFCal Analysis Meeting, 26. November 2015, CERN

Status of sFCal Simulation,
(pdf), LAr Phase-II Simulation Meeting, LAr Week, 2. December 2015, CERN

sFCal Analysis Status,
(pdf), sFCal Analysis Meeting, 10. December 2015, CERN

sFCal Analysis Status,
(pdf), sFCal Analysis Meeting, 21. January 2016, CERN

sFCal/FCal Simulations with Towers,
(pdf), sFCal Analysis Meeting, 21. January 2016, CERN

sFCal+ITK Simulation Status,
(pdf), Simulation Meeting, ATLAS P&P Week, 28. January 2016, CERN

LVR Neutron Test at Rez March 2016,
(pdf), MPP HEC Group Meeting, 17. March 2016, MPP

sFCal/FCal Analysis Status,
(pdf), Atlas Upgrade Week, 20. April 2016, CERN

sFCal/FCal Analysis Workshop Summary,
(pdf), sFCal Analysis Meeting, 28. April 2016, CERN

Update on IBL Services Impact on FCal,
(pdf), LAr Weekly Meeting, 9. May 2016, CERN

Update on IBL Services Impact on FCal,
(pdf), P&P Week, Simulation Meeting, 10. May 2016, CERN

sFCal/FCal Analysis Status Introduction,
(pdf), sFCal Analysis Meeting, 12. May 2016, CERN

sFCal/FCal Analysis Status Introduction,
(pdf), sFCal Analysis Meeting, 25. May 2016, CERN

sFCal/FCal Analysis Status,
(pdf), LAr Phase-II Upgrade Meeting, LAr Week, 8. June 2016, CERN

sFCal detector and physics performance and comparison to FCal,
(pdf), sFCal Review, 22. June 2016, CERN

sFCal/FCal Analysis Status Introduction,
(pdf), sFCal Analysis Meeting, 14. July 2016, CERN

CalibrationHits bug and LCW,
(pdf), Simulation Meeting, 27. September 2016, CERN

Update on IBL Services Impact on FCal,
(pdf), Simulation Meeting, 27. September 2016, CERN

HV Currents in the FCal and special HV runs,
(pdf), LAr General Meeting, LAr Week, 29. September 2016, Dresden

Phase-II LAr Status,
(pdf), ATLAS Week, 20. October 2016, CERN

HEC LV Power Supply Failure,
(pdf), LAMG, 2. November 2016, CERN

HEC LV Power Supply Failure,
(pdf), HEC LV Meeting, 8. November 2016, MPP

Discussion on gains and ADCs,
(pdf), 8. November 2016, CERN

Combining Timing and TopoClusters in the FCal,
(pdf), HGTD Performance Meeting, 16. November 2016, CERN

HEC LV Power Supply Failure,
(agenda), HEC LV Meeting, 28. November 2016, MPP

HV Currents in the FCal and special HV runs,
(pdf), LAr General Meeting, LAr Week, 15. December 2016, CERN

IBL Services Impact on FCal,
(pdf, LAr Public Plots), ATL-COM-LARG-2017-003, LAr Weekly Meeting, 6. February 2017, CERN

Reduced HV R&D Project,
(pdf), LAr Pulse Meeting, 10. February 2017, CERN

MPI Plans,
(pdf), LAr Phase-II Electronics Kick-Off Meeting, LAr Week, 10. March 2017, CERN

ATLAS Top-Quark Results,
(pdf), Aspen 2017 Winter Conference "From the LHC to Dark Matter and Beyond", 24. March 2017, Aspen, CO, USA

Beam Splash Events 2017,
(A-side.pdf, C-side.pdf), LAr Weekly Meeting, 8. May 2017, CERN

Reduced HV FCal Studies,
(pdf), LAr Pulse Meeting, 12. June 2017, CERN

HEC LV Specs for Phase-II,
(pdf), MPP HEC Meeting, 27. July 2017, MPP

FCal1 Reduced HV Studies,
(pdf), FCal Pulse Meeting, 26. October 2017, CERN

Phase-II Radiation Estimates for HEC Electronics,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 14. November 2017, CERN

LV Neutron Test Rez Nov 2017,
(pdf), MPP HEC Meeting, 16. November 2017, MPP

Data with lowered FCal1 HV & Simulations,
(pdf), FCal Pulse Meeting, 27. November 2017, LAr Week, CERN

HEC LVPS Neutron Test Rez Nov 2017,
(pdf), LAr Phase-II Electronics Upgrade Meeting, 29. November 2017, LAr Week, CERN

MPP Status&Plans for Geant4-based Radiation Maps,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 23. January 2018, CERN

Radiation Estimates for Phase-II,
(pdf), MPI ATLAS Meeting, 31. January 2018, MPP

Geant4-based Radiation Maps: 3D Results and Plots for Approval,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 27. February 2018, CERN

Measurements of the top quark mass using the CMS and ATLAS detectors at the LHC,
(slides), Proceedings: ATL-PHYS-PROC-2018-033, MPP-2018-106, 53rd Recontres de Moriond - EW 2018, 10.-17. March 2018, La Thuile

Pulse Shapes in the FCal,
(pdf), FCal Pulse Meeting, 26. March 2018, LAr Week, Tokyo

ATLAS radiation background studies using GEANT4 & GRID,
(pdf), Inter-Experimental Workshop on: Radiation effects at the LHC experiments and impact on operation and performance, 23.-24. April 2018, CERN

Recent Geant4 Pixel and Calorimeter Studies,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 15. May 2018, CERN

Post-TDR Progress on LAr Phase-II Electronics,
(pdf), ATLAS Upgrade PO & SC Meeting, 7. June 2018, CERN

Data with lowered FCal1 HV & Simulations,
(pdf), FCal Pulse Meeting, 18. June 2018, LAr Week, CERN

Interfacing Powhel with EvtGen+Pythia8,
(pdf), MPI ttbb Meeting, 19. June 2018, MPP

LAr Geometry in Geant4,
(pdf), LAr SW & DP Meeting, 20. June 2018, LAr Week, CERN

LAr Phase-II Upgrade Electronics Status,
(pdf), LAr General Meeting, 21. June 2018, LAr Week, CERN

LAr DCS for Phase-II Electronics,
(pdf), ATLAS Upgrade PO & SC Meeting: Technical Session, 28. June 2018, CERN

HEC LV Box 4,
(pdf), MPP HEC Meeting, 28. June 2018, MPP

HEC LV Box 4,
(pdf), LAr Weekly Meeting, 2. July 2018, CERN

Proposal for Interactive Web-Tool Extension,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 17. July 2018, CERN

LAr and Cu activation impact on FCal,
(pdf), FCal Pulse Meeting, 1. October 2018, LAr Week, CERN

(pdf), MPP HEC LV Meeting, 12. October 2018, MPP

LAr Phase-II Electronics: Status & Plans,
(pdf), ATLAS Upgrade PO & SC Meeting, 18. October 2018, CERN

LAr and Cu activation studies with Geant4 for the FCal,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 13. November 2018, CERN

HEC LVPS TID Test Euskirchen 2018,
(pdf), Lar Phase-II Electronics Upgrade Meeting, 5. December 2018, CERN

LAr Phase-II Upgrade Electronics Status,
(pdf), Gustaaf Brooijmans and Sven Menke, LAr Week Plenary, 6. December 2018, CERN

ATLAS Operation & Upgrade,
(pdf), MPP Project Review 2018, 17.-18. December 2018, MPP

LAr Phase-II Upgrade Electronics: System Engineering & Integration,
(pdf), Gustaaf Brooijmans and Sven Menke, LAr Baseline Review, 15. January 2019, CERN

Geometry differences in FLUKA and Geant4 for calorimeter regions,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 29. January 2019, CERN

ATLAS Simulations, Predictions, Comparison with Data,
(pdf), Inter-Experimental Workshop on: Radiation effects at the LHC experiments and impact on operation and performance, 11.-12. February 2019, CERN

LAr Phase-II Electronics,
(pdf), LHCC Review, 25. February 2019, CERN

LAr Phase-II Electronics: Status & Plans,
(pdf), ATLAS Upgrade PO & SC Meeting, 14. March 2019, CERN

LAr Phase-II Electronics Schedule,
(pdf), ATLAS Annual Review, 10. April 2019, CERN

Update on Geant4-based Radiation-Maps,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 21. May 2019, CERN

LAr Phase-II Upgrade Electronics Status,
(pdf), LAr General Meeting, 23. May 2019, LAr Week, Milano

Update on Geant4 Studies,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 16. July 2019, CERN

Simulation of the ATLAS Cavern,
(pdf), Simulation Session, P&P Week, 23. July 2019, CERN

Run-2 radiation maps from Geant4: Plots for approval,
(pdf), CDS Record: ATL-COM-GEN-2019-009, Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 15. October 2019, CERN

Geant4 simulations for Run 3,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 22. October 2019, CERN

Geant4 fluence "scaling factor" study,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 22. October 2019, CERN

Generation of Multi-jet background with Pythia8,
(pdf), MPI ttbb Meeting, 23. October 2019, MPP

Neutron Test of FPGA's in Rez Oct 2019,
(pdf), MPP HEC Meeting, 24. October 2019, MPP

LAr Phase-II Electronics,
(pdf), P2UG Review, 5. November 2019, CERN

LAr Phase-II Electronics: Introduction Part 1,
(pdf), G. Brooijmans and S. Menke, LAr Phase-II Electronics Upgrade, 18. November 2019, CERN

(pdf), LAr Phase-II Electronics Upgrade, 18. November 2019, CERN

LAr Phase-II Electronics: Introduction Part 2,
(pdf), G. Brooijmans and S. Menke, LAr Phase-II Electronics Upgrade, 20. November 2019, CERN

LAr Phase-II Electronics Summary,
(pdf), G. Brooijmans and S. Menke, LAr Week Plenary, 21. November 2019, CERN

(pdf), MPP ATLAS Meeting, 28. November 2019, MPP

Preliminary Results from the FPGA TID Test,
(pdf), MPP HEC Meeting, 5. December 2019, MPP

Interactive material browser,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 10. December 2019, CERN

Geant4 Material/Geometry Issues and new SCT/Pixel Plots,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 4. February 2020, CERN

LAr Phase-II OTP Review 2019,
(pdf), OTP Review 2019-20, 6. February 2020, CERN

(pdf), LAr Phase-II Electronics Upgrade, 10. February 2020, CERN

Argon Activation by 50 GeV Protons,
(pdf), MPP ATLAS/HEC Meeting, 20. February 2020, MPP

Update on Argon Activation by 50 GeV Protons,
(pdf), MPP ATLAS/HEC Meeting, 27. February 2020, MPP

Argon Activation in ATLAS,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 3. March 2020, CERN

Radiation Hardness of Fibres,
(pdf), TC-LAr Meeting, 9. March 2020, CERN

Updated Geometry for GEANT4 Radiation Maps,
(pdf), TC-LAr Meeting, 9. March 2020, CERN

Status of G4 Validation Note,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 31. March 2020, Vidyo only

LAr Phase-II Electronics Introduction,
(pdf), Gustaaf Brooijmans and Sven Menke, LAr Phase-II Session, ATLAS Upgrade Week, 22. April 2020, Vidyo only

Multi-jet background and ttbb parton-level studies,
(pdf), MPI ttbb Meeting, 29. May 2020, Zoom only

Status of G4 Validation Note,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 9. June 2020, Vidyo only

LAr Phase-II Electronics Part I&II: Introduction,
(pdf), Gustaaf Brooijmans and Sven Menke, LAr Phase-II Electronics Sessions, LAr Week, 15 June 2020, Vidyo only

LAr Phase-II Electronics Status,
(pdf), Gustaaf Brooijmans and Sven Menke, Plenary, LAr Week, 18 June 2020, Vidyo only

Activation Corrections from Simulations for Luminosity Measurements,
(pdf), Offline Luminosity Meeting, 2. July 2020, Vidyo only

Geant4 LUCID3 update and status of interactive web tool for public use,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 15. September 2020, Vidyo only

Interactive Web Pages for Radiation Environment Exploration of ATLAS: Simulation Group Approval,
(pdf), Simulation WG Meeting, 22. September 2020, Zoom only

LAr Phase-II Electronics Part I&II: Introduction,
(pdf), Gustaaf Brooijmans and Sven Menke, LAr Phase-II Electronics Sessions, LAr Week, 5 October 2020, Vidyo/CERN

Cavern and dead material geometry updates/fixes for Run 3,
(pdf), Simulation WG Meeting, 20. October 2020, Zoom only

Geant4 predicted fluences in SW/NSW region,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 20. October 2020, Vidyo only

LAr Phase-II Electronics,
(pdf), Gustaaf Brooijmans and Sven Menke, P2UG Review, 3. November 2020, Zoom only

Interactive RadMaps as Educational Tool,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 3. November 2020, Vidyo only

Interactive RadMaps as Educational Tool,
(pdf), ATLAS Outreach Weekly Meeting, 11. November 2020, Zoom only

Afterglow in the PLR,
(pdf), PLR Luminosity WG Meeting, 23. November 2020, Zoom only

Interactive web pages for radiation environment exploration of ATLAS,
(pdf), MPP ATLAS Meeting, 25. November 2020, Zoom only

LAr Phase-II Electronics Upgrade: Introduction,
(pdf), Gustaaf Brooijmans and Sven Menke, ATLAS Upgrade Week, 30. November 2020, Zoom only

IBL fluence z-dependence & π± hardness factors,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 12. January 2021, Zoom only

News from LAr Phase-II Upgrade,
(pdf), ATLAS Weekly Meeting, 19. January 2021, Zoom only

Radiation levels in the ITk,
(pdf), ITk Week, 5. February 2021, Zoom only

Radiation levels in the ITk,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 16. February 2021, Zoom only

Status of the Geant4 validation note,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 16. February 2021, Zoom only

Geant4 simulation updates - Sector 7 services,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 16. March 2021, Zoom only

Instantaneous luminosity dependent energy calibration,
(pdf), LAr Phase-II Firmware Meeting, 19. March 2021, Zoom only

The need for FPGA bit triplication for the Phase-II HEC LV PS,
(pdf), MPP ATLAS/HEC Meeting, 22. April 2021, Zoom only

Impact of ITk/HGTD moderator material on effective dose in LS4 and LS5,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 11. May 2021, Zoom only

Top production and decay,
(slides), ATL-PHYS-SLIDE-2021-208, (recording), Proceedings: PoS(LHCP2021)116, ATL-PHYS-PROC-2021-052, MPP-2021-165, 9th Edition of the Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference, 7.-12. June 2021, Zoom only

Update on ITk/HGTD moderator material choice,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 22. June 2021, Zoom only

HEC LV Cable Test for Phase-II LVPS,
(pdf), LAr Weekly Meeting, 2. August 2021, Zoom

Investigations of TID scoring using particle weights,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 7. September 2021, Zoom only

LAr Phase-II,
(pdf), ATLAS-D Week Göttingen, 14.-17. September 2021, Zoom only

LAr Phase-II Electronics Upgrade: Introduction,
(pdf), Gustaaf Brooijmans and Sven Menke, LAr Week, 4. October 2021, CERN+Zoom

Recent HEC-LV issues with the new Power-Boards,
(pdf), MPP ATLAS/HEC Meeting, 15. October 2021, MPP+Zoom

Beam splash events from 19/20 October 2021,
(pdf), MPP ATLAS Meeting, 21. October 2021, Zoom only

Beam splash events from 19/20 October 2021,
(pdf), LAr Weekly, 25. October 2021, CERN+Zoom

FCal mapping in beam splash events from 19/20 October 2021,
(pdf), LAr Daily, 26. October 2021, CERN+Zoom

Beam splash events from 29 October 2021,
(pdf), LAr Weekly, 1. November 2021, CERN+Zoom

LAr Phase-II Electronics,
(pdf), Gustaaf Brooijmans and Sven Menke, P2UG Review, 8. November 2021, Zoom only

LAr Phase-II Electronics Upgrade: Introduction,
(pdf), Gustaaf Brooijmans and Sven Menke, LAr Week, 29. November 2021, CERN+Zoom

Radiation maps comparisons: Geant4 10.6 vs. 10.1 and Pythia8 vs. EPOS,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 7. December 2021, Zoom only, followup: (pdf)

Radiation levels and new G4 version,
(pdf), Simulation WG Meeting, 14. December 2021, Zoom only

Update on impact of latest Athena/Geant4 for radiation background simulation,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 1. March 2022, Zoom only

HEC Cold Elecronics Power Supply Rejection Ratio,
(pdf), Leonid Kurchaninov and Sven Menke, LAr Week, 14. March 2022, Zoom

FCal pulse shapes,
(pdf), LASP firmware and system working meeting: FCal and Lumi, 1. April 2022, Zoom

Beam Splash Events 2022,
(pdf), LAr Weekly Meeting, 25. April 2022, Zoom

Beam Splash Events 2022,
(pdf), LAr Weekly Meeting, 2. May 2022, Zoom

Beam Splash Events 2022,
(pdf), LAr Weekly Meeting, 9. May 2022, Zoom

Radiation Simulation: Impact of Detailed Material Knowledge,
(pdf), Simulation Group Meeting, 10. May 2022, Zoom

JM Moderator Tube & Plug: Impact on ITk & HGTD,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 14. June 2022, CERN

Coverage plots from first stable beams at 13.6 TeV from 5-7 Jul 2022,
(pdf), LAr Weekly Meeting, 11. Jul 2022, Zoom

LAr cell coverage in run 429470 from 28 Jul 2022,
(pdf), LAr Weekly Meeting, 1. Aug 2022, Zoom

LAr Phase-II Electronics: Status & Plans,
(pdf), Gustaaf Brooijmans and Sven Menke, ATLAS Upgrade PO & SC Meeting, 29. Sep 2022, Zoom

LAr Phase-II Upgrade Electronics Introduction,
(pdf), Gustaaf Brooijmans and Sven Menke, LAr Week, 3. Oct 2022, CERN

Run-3 RadMaps & TID vs. time,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 18. Oct 2022, Zoom

Radiation levels in the LAr FEC regions,
(pdf), LAr Phase-I Meeting, 18. Oct 2022, Zoom

LTDB power loss vs. TID,
(pdf), LAr Phase-I Meeting, 25. Oct 2022, Zoom

LAr Phase-II Electronics,
(pdf), Gustaaf Brooijmans and Sven Menke, P2UG Review, 7. Nov 2022, CERN

Geant4.10.1 vs Geant4.10.6 hadronic showers development,
(pdf), Simulation Group Meeting, 8. Nov 2022, CERN

Reduced HV FCal1 + EMEC IW Data,
(pdf), FCal Pulse Meeting, 5. December 2022, CERN

ATLAS Calorimetry,
(pdf), ATLAS/MPP Retreat, 16.-18. January 2023, Ringberg castle

Calorimter design for LUXE,
(pdf), ATLAS/MPP Retreat, 16.-18. January 2023, Ringberg castle

Simulations for proton and gamma irradiations of LMG5200,
(pdf), LAr Phase-II FE Meeting, 26. January 2023, Zoom

Neutron Test in Řež June 5-7 2023,
(pdf), LAr Phase-II FE Meeting, 23. February 2023, Zoom

Beam Splash Events March 2023,
(pdf), LAr Weekly Meeting, 3. April 2023, Zoom

Simple NIEL studies of angular dependence,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 4. April 2023, Zoom

(pdf), ATLAS Annual Review, 11.-12. April 2023, Zoom

EventDisplays: Cells -> Clusters -> Clusters with Timing,
(pdf), LAr DQ Meeting, 21. July 2023, Zoom

Magnetic Shields for HEC LVPS,
(pdf), TC-LAr Meeting, 11. September 2023, Zoom

Simulations for LUCID-3 with new VJ Beam-Pipe,
(pdf), Radiation Simulation WG Meeting, 12. September 2023, Zoom

LAr Phase-II Electronics: Status & Plans,
(pdf), Gustaaf Brooijmans and Sven Menke, ATLAS Upgrade PO & SC Meeting, 28. September 2023, Zoom

LAr Phase-II Electronics,
(pdf), Gustaaf Brooijmans and Sven Menke, P2UG Review, 6. November 2023, CERN

(pdf), ATLAS/MPP Retreat, 10.-12. January 2024, Ringberg castle

b-tagging scale factors,
(pdf), Top cross-section meeting, 28 February 2024, Zoom

Full Sim workflow for radiation predictions in ATLAS,
(pdf), FullSim HL task force meeting, 7 March 2024, CERN

(pdf), ATLAS Annual Review, 19. April 2024, Zoom

Beam Splash Events March 2024: Summary plots,
(pdf), LAr DQ Meeting, 15. March 2024, Zoom

Beam Splash Events March 2024: Layer plots,
(pdf), LAr DQ Meeting, 22. March 2024, Zoom

SW changes to AnalysisTop in rel 21.2 for online b-tagging,
(pdf), Top cross-section meeting, 15 May 2024, Zoom

New techniques for reconstructing and calibrating hadronic objects with ATLAS,
(slides), Proceedings: PoS(ICHEP2024)910, ATL-PHYS-PROC-2024-075, MPP-2024-187, ICHEP 2024, 17.-24. July 2024, Prague, Czech Republic

New techniques for reconstructing, calibrating and identifying hadronic objects with ATLAS,
(slides), Proceedings: ATL-PHYS-PROC-2025-006, MPP-2025-11, Blois 2024, 20.-25. October 2024, Blois, France