3 October, 2024: Open Day at the MPP ...

... and on the entire research campus

We are looking forward to the first open day in our new building at the research campus in Garching! The event will take place on October 3 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; a total of 50 research institutions will be participating with a wide variety of topics related to science and technology.

Our scientists will show and explain our research at the interface of particle physics and cosmology.

Research questions at the MPP

How did the universe come about, how did matter come about? What is dark matter made of? What happens to high-energy objects in space - and how can we observe stellar explosions or gamma-ray bursts "live", for example? What are black holes and how can their physics be explained? How is string theory developing? How can we find "new" physics that gives us answers to unsolved questions?

The program at the MPI for Physics

What to expect at the MPP?

  •     We present various experiments and give tours of our laboratories
  •     We show our new, ultra-modern workshops and technical laboratories
  •     An exhibition is planned to mark the 70th anniversary of the CERN research center in Geneva
  •     Lectures on various research topics
  •     A hands-on program for children

When? October 3, 10:00-17:00

Where? New building at Boltzmannstr. 8, 85748 Garching