Quantum field theory and scattering amplitudes

What are the basic building blocks of Nature? What forces hold them together? These questions are at the heart of elementary particle physics. Theoretical physicists study and explore how to describe elementary particles and their interactions. There are several concrete hints that tell us that we currently know only part of the puzzle.

In order to explore what pieces are missing, and to get hints for completing the picture, it is paramount to get clues from experimental observations. The scientific approach is to compare experimental data to theoretical predictions. Obtaining the latter requires understanding of quantum field theory, which underpins the model for the known elementary particles and their interactions.

The Amplitudes research field focuses on understanding and computing probabilities of scattering processes in quantum field theory. The later are the essential building blocks for cross-sections that can be measured at particle colliders, such as the LHC at CERN, Geneva.

Apart from their phenomenological interest, scattering amplitudes also have intriguing mathematical properties. They satisfy a number of physical conditions, and have obvious and hidden symmetries. In some situations, the amplitudes can be uniquely determined from their symmetry and analytic properties. Many modern methods of computing them are based on such structural insights.

Key words for specific research directions of the group:

  • Scattering amplitudes of elementary particles
  • Feynman integrals, differential equations, and special functions
  • Infrared divergences in quantum field theory
  • Conformal symmetry and supersymmetry
  • AdS/CFT correspondence, N=4 super Yang-Mills

Quantum field theory at the MPP

 Prof. Dr. Johannes Henn and Dr. Babette Döbrich (Photos: A. Griesch/MPP; privat))

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Artwork: Josh Worth

Workshop "Current Topics in Fundamental Physics" on 16 August

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How mathematical detective work opens up new paths in particle physics

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Feynman diagrams transformed to artwork. They mathematically describe the particle collisions.

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Professor Dr. Johannes Henn

Johannes Henn appointed as a new Director at Max-Planck-Institute for Physics

Theoretical physicist Johannes M. Henn has been appointed as a new Director at the Max Planck Institute for Physics. The 37-year-old scientist conducts research into scattering amplitudes, which are used for the precise description of accelerator…

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name function e-mail extension office
Carrôlo, Sérgio PhD Student scarrolo 201 A.3.73
Ditsch, Sara Student ditsch 293 A.3.52
Hegde, Subramanya, Dr. Postdoc subbu 596 A.3.73
Henn, Johannes, Prof. Dr. Director henn 420 A.3.51
Kuo, Chia-Kai, Dr. Postdoc ckkuai 200 A.3.54
Lagares, Martín PhD Student lagares 608 A.3.66
Lim, Jungwon PhD Student wonlim 317 A.3.52
López-Falcón, Diana, Dr. Scientific Coordinator dlf 427 A.3.77
Ma, Rourou PhD Student marr 200 A.3.89
Mazzucchelli, Elia PhD Student eliam 200 A.3.54
Ohrberg Schreiber, Anders, Dr. Postdoc ohrbergs 427 A.3.50
Raman, Prashanth, Dr. Postdoc praman 317 A.3.75
Redl, Julia Secretary redl 334 A.3.47
Scholtes, Sorana Communication & Outreach scholtes 434 A.3.09
Vazão, Francisco PhD Student fvvazao 200 A.3.89
Willen, Aaron Student willen 334 A.3.66
Yang, Qinglin Postdoc qlyang 544 A.3.75
Zhang, Shun-Qing, Dr. Postdoc sqzhang 405 A.3.87
Zhu, Yujiao Postdoc yzhu 427 A.3.50