Particle World Network
The Max Planck Institute for Physics is a member of the Netzwerk Teilchenwelt (Particle World Network) a network of scientists from numerous research institutions all over Germany and from CERN who have teamed up to make current topics in astroparticle and particle physics understandable for young people and teachers.
Masterclasses: Be part of the physics experience
The so-called Masterclasses of the Netzwerk Teilchenwelt are workshops conducted by the LMU and the MPP at schools, school laboratories and other educational institutions in and around Munich. Students in the age from 15 to 19 are introduced in the physics basics of several experiments. This part is followed by hands-on data analyses supervised by young scientists.
We offer workshops for the experiments of ATLAS at the Large Hadron Collider, Belle II and for the gamma telescopes MAGIC and LST-1 - due to the Corona pandemic currently as video conferences.
Group size: 15 to 20 participants; duration: ca. 5 hours
International Particle Physics Masterclasses
In addition, the MPP together with the LMU Munich and the Origins Cluster of Excellence is involved in the International Particle Physics Masterclasses. This acitivity takes place once a year, usually in February or March. This international research days have been organized since 2005. More than 200 research institutions and 13,000 students worldwide join these events each year.
We invite students from high schools, specialist high schools and junior high schools in the Munich metropolitan area to the Max Planck Institute for Physics.
This international research day has been organized since 2005 in many countries around the world – more than 13,000 students participate each time.
Currently, we offer workshops on the ATLAS experiment at CERN, Belle II at the KEK research center in Japan and on the gamma-ray telescopes MAGIC and LST-1 on the island of La Palma (Spain).
The program follows the scheme of the masterclasses we do at schools (see above). In addition there is an extra highlight of an international video conference after the talks and data analyses.
We connect to one of the international reseach centers and to several masterclasses taking place at the same time. In so doing, the Munich students can compare and discuss their findings with experts and their fellow students in other countries.
At the Max Planck Institute for Physics, we offer one or two of these full-day events per year.
Group size: max. 60 participants, duration: ca. 8 hours