Many scientists consider a career path in a commercial enterprise an interesting career option. On Career Day, they have the opportunity to get to know various fields of work and to exchange ideas with the companies involved.
"In addition to start-ups, and large IT and technology companies, we also expect international players in the financial and consulting sectors to attend," says Henning Bahl, a member of the doctoral committee at the MPI for Physics and one of the Career Day organizers. "In this way, we can offer the participants a versatile portfolio with very different job profiles."
Career Day is aimed at scientists from the MPIs for Physics, Astrophysics, Extraterrestrial Physics and Quantum Optics, as well as from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) and the Technical University of Munich (TUM). With this year's Career Day, the organizers are building on last year's extremely successful event.
"Many of our colleagues have networked with the companies involved at the time, and some have even signed contracts," Bahl continues. "As in 2017, over 100 interested physicists will attend again this year."
Career Day 2018 is supported by Munich Re, Bain & Company, Commerzbank, G-Research, Reply, Actindo, ZEISS, QAware and NVIDIA, making the event free for participants.