
MAGIC telescopes observe an extremely short, powerful outburst of radiation in Galaxy IC 310

The radio galaxy IC 310 in the Perseus constellation is approximately 260 million light years away from Earth. Astronomers assume there is a supermassive black hole at its centre. This black hole was the setting for an extremely powerful outburst of…

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Reihe „Stolpersteine und Meilensteine auf dem Weg zum LHC"

Ministerialdirektor a.D. Hermann Schunck, ehemaliger Mitarbeiter des Forschungsministeriums und ehemaliger deutscher Delegierter im CERN-Rat, erzählt seine eigene Geschichte der Entwicklung des Large Hadron Collider.

Er erinnert sich an…

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Higgs Discovery in Guinness Book of Records

The discovery of the Higgs boson isn't like the average record listet in the Guiness Book of Records. Normally achievements listet in the book can be exceeded. Because of its scientific significance the discovery of the 'God Particle' was included in…

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Awakening the potential of plasma acceleration

Preparations for the new Proton Driven Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiment (AWAKE) at CERN have begun. The AWAKE team at the Max Planck Institute for Physics in Munich is preparing to move both equipment and know-how to CERN.

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Obituary for Dr. Eckart Lorenz

Our admired and esteemed colleague, Dr. Eckart Lorenz, passed away unexpectedly in Berlin on June 21, 2014. After a very successful career in particle physics, Eckart Lorenz was for many years the leader for the HEGRA and MAGIC projects at our…

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Press Invitation

Special Colloquium: Teilchen, Thesen und Temperamente - Einblicke in Forschungsprojekte am Max-Planck-Institut für Physik 3rd June 2014

Prof. Dr. Siegfried Bethke presents the popular scientific lecture: "Particles, Theses, and Temperaments -…

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Nachruf auf Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Dürr

Hans-Peter Dürr, emeritiertes Wissenschaftliches Mitglied, langjähriger Direktor des Max-Planck-Instituts für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) und Träger des Alternativen Nobelpreises verstarb am 18. Mai 2014 im Alter von 84 Jahren in München.

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Swimming Science Center MS Wissenschaft starts in Berlin

On May 6th 2014 the Swimming Science Center MS Wissenschaft begins its tour through 38 german and austrian cities starting with Berlin. The Max-Planck-Institut für Physik is represented with two exponats.

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High School Students exposed to Particle Physics

It is a unique opportunity for high school students: during International Masterclasses they can hunt for evidence of particles in authentic data from experiments in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the most advanced and most energetic particle…

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German Federal President Gauck Visits CERN

German Federal President Joachim Gauck visited the European research laboratory during his stay in the Swiss Confederation. With his visit the celebration of CERN's 60th birthday begin. The festivities follow the motto "60 Years of Science for…

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